55 x 5 Manifesting Technique

Let’s talk about the anxiety that sometimes arises from visiting the original family you were born into or possibly the inlaws who have maybe different holiday traditions and or expectations as you embark on holiday visits.  One of many landmines that people may experience when returning to their family of origin during the holidays is always being treated as the “baby” or being put in the child chair.  Going home for the holidays isn’t always a Hallmark Special.  I bet you already have your scenario on replay in your head.  Ready to break free from old conditioned patterns?  If so, I have a tool for you to try.

I want to introduce you to a Manifesting Technique called 55 x  5 that is going to help get you out of the unempowered seat at the child’s table and help you sit firmly in the Adult Chair.  (shout out to Michele Chalfant who brought the Adult Chair visualization to my practice).

Here is what it is about.  You use the law of attraction to help you manifest your desires by writing down your intention on a blank sheet of paper 55 times for 5 days straight. 

When you intentionally carve out time to practice writing your intention every day for 5 consecutive days, you are building dedication and reaching your intentions. When you complete the exercise, you are directing your energy in the right path. With this skill, you create space for growth by aligning your intentions with your physical reality.

When I first tried this technique, it occurred to me that your desires can also reshape and change. For example, I wrote, “I am losing 5 pounds this week.”

I wrote it 55 times on day one, but on day two,  about 1/3 of the way through I had to be honest with myself that it wasn’t really an attainable goal for this week.  Five pounds? One week? At Thanksgiving? So I transformed it to “I am dropping weight and looking radiant.” Then, on day three I got an epiphany and was at an even better place.  It became, “I am releasing weight and feeling radiant.”

So…. I am going to continue with that phrase “I am releasing weight and feeling radiant” because the word release feels really right in my body. 

What you think about - you bring about.  I promise once you’ve completed doing this for 5 days straight, you will have a lot of positive energy coming your way!

So, let’s begin by creating your intention. You want it to be only one intention, so you can focus on it.  Your intent should be in the present tense, because you can believe that your intent is already part of the reality you seek to manifest.

Now, sit down and write!  Write it 55 times on a piece of paper.  As you write, let the intention flow through you as you connect your mind, body and emotions to the words.

Repeat this practice for 5 days straight and look forward to the positive flow of energy that is sure to come your way!

6 minutes to Peace on Election Day!

Today is election day. You are so on my heart today. I recorded my latest podcast with your happiness in mind.   No matter what your political persuasion is, I am almost certain that today may be anxiety riddled and many of you are as overwhelmed as I am at the division within our country. No matter where you stand politically,  it's on my heart to have a conversation about the anxiety that is sitting like a big lump right in the center of our chests.   

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know that today would be a good day to connect and journey back to our most grounded selves so that we can move through this day and the rest of our lives with a greater sense of trust and security which will hopefully lead us to feelings of peace, healing and serenity.

The happiness that we all seek comes from the ability to channel all of our life experiences, our joys, our tears, our sweat and toil and our desires and inspirations towards the journey of growth. It is with this mindset that we can tap into our internal wisdom and we can discover what our life's purpose and journey is all about.

To this end, I have a short and sweet 6 minute meditation to guide you through. 

My last podcast was all about the fire element.  Today I am highlighting the element Earth.   When we think of Earth, we tap into the mother of life. And although the Earth element is essentially feminine, it is actually not overtly the Creator or the Destroyer.  So, the energy of the Earth element is always one of transition and balance.

Earth is the medium in which everything in our material world occurs; it is passive and receptive and essentially defines the space in which all matter exists.   So, as I love to point out in my yoga classes, think of life’s experiences as not good nor bad right nor wrong - life is happening for you, not to you and it is happening as the essential nature of Earth - as a stabilizing Force.  

Together - let’s think of Earth and all its qualities - solidity, firmness, immobility, security and stability; these are qualities experienced within our own physical bodies as strength with our muscular body and through the spinal column as structural support -our bones.   

The Earth element is also related to our sense of smell and is balanced when we use essential oils such as cedar and clove.  

I am sure that today is not easy and it's very tempting to let our emotions get swept up like a raging river or you might be feeling tossed around like a small boat on a tumultuous ocean.  

Or things are really heated.  I am imagining the feeling and the heat of all the arguing.  Imagining them as huge bonfire as both sides through their actions and words consume up the oxygen all around them as the fires rage.    

Bhu means Earth and bhu mudra activates the Earth element supporting within us and integrating all of Earth's essential qualities.   In this gesture, the body forms a mountain shape, which naturally cultivates a sense of grounding and stability.   

We also activate apana vayu,  which is the downward moving current of energy that directs the breath and awareness to the base of the body which helps release muscular tension and supports a healthy eliminatory system.   

This meditation also has a relaxing effect that reduces stress and blood pressure and is especially supportive in the treatment of anxiety.  

Used regularly, will enhance your sense of security and begin to feel more grounded, open and balanced the muladhara or root chakra.  Thus, giving you a sense of support and stability which will allow you to meet your survival needs with more objectivity while releasing excessive fears and anxieties.  

I am so excited to offer up this tool of transformation - Bhu Mudra as a simple 6 Minute meditation that will instill the quality of patience, security and consistency so that you can be in your complete and whole heart space and tap into the essential nature of your truest being.

Listen Below!

Breathe it all in...Love it all out!

The light in me sees and honors that light within you.   

Together, Let’s find our wings and fly! 🦋

Until next time - Love and Light - Namaste Girlfriends!!!

Meditation for Developing Positive Attitudes

We have arrived Girlfriends!  Today is the final chapter of my four part guided meditation seriesToday, I am going to give you one final hand mudra (and again mudra which is simply a yogic way of saying hand gesture) to use as a support tool for restoration, relaxation - who couldn’t benefit from that right now?   So, if you are new to using hand mudras to direct prana breath in your body, today your deep self and nervous system is in for a treat!  I offer this meditation for developing a positive attitude and as a way to connect you to renewal, reset and wellness.  

First let’s review. we're going are going to talk about four important steps for reducing stress and re-establishing balance.  Again, after this podcast I invite you to listen to the previous three episodes to map these concepts out completely.

1 - The Art of Deep Relaxation

2 - Reducing Sensory Overload

3 - Learning to Let Go

4 - Cultivating a Positive Attitude

These first three steps help to reduce stress, but in order to manage our level of stress continually, we need to change our attitudes and beliefs in order to see ourselves and our lives more positively.  

Which brings us to number four - LETS BEGIN - 

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Meditation for developing Positive Attitudes. 

Mudra and affirmations are extremely helpful in cultivating more positive attitudes.   Mudras also support the release of limiting beliefs and patterns of conditioning, allowing us to see life with fresh eyes as a field of possibilities.  Today's hand gesture is one of the best mudras for creating and cultivating a positive mental attitude.

The Sanskrit word for this meditation is Ushas mudra.  The word Ushas means Dawn. The Ushas mudra supports us in welcoming each day enthusiastically as a field of infinite possibilities.  If we integrate greeting each day with fresh positivity, we release any judgments we hold about ourselves or others, allowing us to celebrate life as it is, rather than complaining how it should be or how we would like it to be different. When we embrace each morning as a field of appreciation and one as a state of growing and learning - we are able to live more fully and in the present moment with greater appreciation and presence of all the possibilities that life has to offer.  Allowing for our paths to unfold naturally and thus  creating a cycle of well-being where we step fully into our creativity and can live joyfully.  

Let’s give it a try.

  1. Bring both hands out in front of you at waist level with palms facing upwards.

  2. Interlace the fingers loosely and rest the hands on the lap with a palms continuing to face upwards.

  3.  Let the tips of the thumbs lightly touch each other.

  4.  Relax the shoulders back and down and with the elbow slightly away from the body the spine naturally aligns.

Yes Girlfriends, we are simply folding our hands and placing them in our laps.  But as you hold this hand gesture, begin to take several natural breaths to attune to all the feelings and sensations awakened by this gesture.

Notice how your breath flows smoothly throughout your entire torso from the base of your body all the way up to the crown of your head.  Begin to sense how each inhalation cultivates a sense of enthusiasm and uplifting energy while each exhalation instills a sense of serenity allowing you to relax completely.

This balance of enthusiasm and serenity allows you to greet each day as a unique opportunity to unfold all of your talent and possibilities.  To cultivate this more open way of seeing, visualize yourself in the pre-dawn, ready to embrace the new day with fresh eyes as if seeing life for the very first time.  

With the sun's first rays, take several breaths to visualize the sky, transform it into a watercolor of orange and gold a canvas upon which all your possibilities naturally unfold.  The background of this water color is a clear crisp blue sky - a reflection of your own openness and receptivity inspiring you to paint your life canvas creatively.

As the sun rises slowly, notice how it's dissolved light bathes each part of your body progressively, allowing you to absorb and the brilliance of this new dawning day.

Begin by taking several breaths to sense the sun's rays softly illuminating your face and allowing you to see your life in fresh new ways.  Now the Rising Sun gently warms your throat and neck as you take some time to sense a growing clarity and which you communicate positively and authentically.

Infused with clarity, the dawning rays bathing your shoulders and chest, take several breaths to fill your heart with uplifting energy and your lungs with vitality.  

Your arms and hand now receive the dawn’s growing light, enhancing your sensitivity, allowing you to touch and be touched by other beings and a natural balance of giving and receiving.   As the sun rises higher,  it's rays gently warm your solar plexus. Here at your very center you are awakening the inherent self-esteem that allows you to overcome all challenges along your journey.

As the sun's full-strength iluminates your pelvis, your legs and feet, take several breaths to sense the support of the earth beneath,  allowing you to step forward into life confidently.   Now the suns full rays burn the early morning mist away, reflecting your openness and clarity, allowing you to fully appreciate the miracle of this new day.  

With openness and clarity, repeat the following phrase in your mind’s eye silently:

I receive each new day openly and enthusiastically as a field of infinite possibilities.  

I receive each new day openly and enthusiastically as a field of infinite possibilities.  

I receive each new day openly and enthusiastically as a field of infinite possibilities.  

Slowly release this hand gesture, taking several breaths to sense your infinite possibilities, and when you're ready flutter open your eyes returning slowly and gently - welcoming each day as a Marvelous Mystery to be lived fully and joyfully.  

I hope that felt wonderful Girlfriends! I could feel the breath and awareness in my entire front of the torso, creating a massaging effect that I know was helping all of my circulatory systems.   This meditation practice is so yummy on the nervous system -  it has a harmonizing effect whenever you're feeling a little bit off balanced and I just find the effects so soothing in helping me cultivate a New Perspective.   The flow of breath through both nostrils evenly cultivates a greater sense of equanimity.  The combination of harmonious breathing and greater sense of equanimity helps us balance while allowing us to engage in life completely and recognizing that the results of our actions are often beyond our personal control. 

Those of you who have been following me for a while now know that I am a total Chakra girl and the effects of this meditation on the energetic body is amazing.   I can feel the breath balancing both upward and downward currents of energy and this hand mudra really opens and balances the first through fifth chakras.   Whether you're into chakras or not, I hope experiencing this guided meditation with hand mudra just cultivates calm and mental clarity for your centering so that you can view life just a little bit more positively.  I want you to be able to clear your mind, reduce negative thinking and allow yourself to do daily activities and projects  with a sense of openness and curiosity so that you can tap into harmony, enthusiasm and clarity,  I hope all four in this mediation series helped your connect to your life path and all of it’s possibilities while experiencing deep appreciation for each and every moment as you connect with your true being.

I believe that we're shards of glass broken from the same vessel. It is in looking at our own pieces of shattered glass that we seek to unify these pieces and recognize that same light in others.

I am here to support you, you know where to find me, GirlfriendsGuru.com but regardless of the actions you choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love,  It’s all that is needed.

Namaste girlfriends!

Meditations for Reducing Sensory Overload

Happy Summer Girlfriends!  I hope everyone has been able to tap into some summer ease and joy, but if life is still weighing on you, today I want to share with you an excellent tool to keep stress at bay, fight fatigue, feelings of fear, loneliness, along with many other conditions related to the lack of balance and harmony in the body so that you can live more fully in a balanced, healthy, happy way. 

In my last post we explored the need to tap into a deeper sense of relaxation and inner silence, peace and well-being.  If you didn't have the opportunity to experience my waves of Tranquility meditation make sure you listen to Episode 22 of my podcast. 

Right now, you are going to get to experience guided meditation as we continue to unpack how we can use the tool of guided meditations as a resource for reducing sensory overload.  

Let’s face it - it is very difficult to relax if we're constantly being bombarded by external sensory stimulus in its various forms.  Digital devices, fear of Covid, social distancing, are you standing too close, is that other person standing too close to you, hey did that person just cough a regular cough or Covid cough and if they have a cough why aren't they wearing a mask… Don’t you agree?  it's all been kind of  exhausting lately.  

I also want you to keep in mind that sensory overload can also be internal - it’s  in the form of those stories that we have in a constant loop in our head.  You know what I am talking about - the spinning hamster wheel of our minds - when you are constantly rewinding something that happened in the past - Are you constantly hitting the replay button?  It could be an earlier conversation that day or you might even be thinking of something that happened years ago.  Do you find yourself indexing through a myriad of accumulated memories?  The internal struggle in the form of thoughts and feelings created in our minds eye puts us on as a vicious cycle loop of worry and anxiety.

Today’s tool for transformation is simple.  We will be using Mudra ( Mudra is just a fancy yogi’s way of saying hand gesture) By using a simple hand gesture -  we have the ability to draw our senses inward - which naturally reduces the amount of sensory stimulus thereby creating a space in which things can be processed and released.

The name of this hand gesture or Mudra  is Kurma Mudra.  It's excellent for calming the senses and releasing and reducing sensory overload.  Kurma means “turtle” and this hand mudra evokes several of the turtle's most beautiful qualities that cultivate restoration and healing. The turtle is a master of conserving energy with one of the longest lifespans in the animal kingdom; this longevity is partly due to its slow breathing.  Kurma, or turtle hand mudra cultivates this same long slow breathing that we can tap into when we are feeling overwhelmed or need to conserve our energy. In today's  guided meditation, let’s bring our senses inward and be restored completely.  By Inviting the healing energy of going inward, the turtle draws into its shell both for safety and restoration.   This hand mudra produces a similar effect by naturally drawing our five senses inward. This is so incredibly restorative and healin. I am delighted to share with you today and I know it is going to have such a positive effect on your  nervous system and health of brain function.  

Let's begin:

Kurma Mudra -  gesture of the tortoise for restoring all 5 senses:

  1. Begin with the right hand with the palm flipped up - we start with the ring and pinkie fingers - curl your middle and ring finger of the right hand into the right palm

  2. Take  your right hand and flip it so that your palm is down  and place it into the up turned palm of your left hand  

  3. place the extended right thumb on to the middle of your left wrist 

  4. join the pad of the right index finger to the pad of the left thumb

  5. join the pad of the right little finger to the pad of the left index finger

  6. wrap the middle ring and little Fingers of the left hand around the edges of the right hand

  7. rest the wrists below the navel or onto your lap with your shoulders relaxed and your spine naturally aligned.

As you hold Turtle hand mudra,  take several natural breaths to attune to all the feelings and all of the sensations invoked by this hand gesture.

Notice how your breath is gently directed into the region of your pelvis and the base of your body.

Witness as your breath becomes smooth and deep, allowing you to relax completely.

As you relax more deeply you invite each of your five senses to turn inward naturally and imagine yourself entering an inner sanctuary of restoration and healing - taking a deep breath and and a deep breath out.

Begin by inviting your nose and your sinus passages to relax deeply - take several deep breaths to allow your sense of smell to be restored completely.

Now soften your throat, your tongue, mouth and jaw, inviting your sense of taste to enter your sanctuary of restoration and healing. Take several such deep breaths to savor the nourishment of your inner being.

Your sense of sight now turns inward. Take several deep breaths to allow your eyes to be bathed in to a timeless space - healing  & restoring them completely.

Now your sense of touch enters your Sanctuary. By taking several breaths we sense the nourishment of our own inner being  - In this space we are enveloped with healing energy.

Lastly, I  invite your sense of hearing to turn inward as you take several breaths to soften your outer and inner ears. You begin to rest completely into the silence of your Inner Sanctuary, and with each inhalation and each deep exhalation all of your senses rest deeply.   Within your Inner Sanctuary,  your thoughts become slower, lighter and more serene thus allowing all the dimensions of your being to be restored and healed completely.

 To affirm your inner healing repeat the following phrase silently in your mind's eye:

Resting in my inner Sanctuary - I experienced complete restoration & healing 

Let’s repeat two more times:

Resting in my inner Sanctuary - I experienced complete restoration & healing 

Resting in my inner Sanctuary - I experienced complete restoration & healing 

Slowly release your hand gesture and take a few breaths to allow your senses to completely reset from the effects of this mudra.   When you are ready, flutter open your eyes returning gently and slowly feeling the sense of complete restoration, experiencing calm and peace.

In this new grounded place, we can release the weight of the past and the expectations of the future thus allowing us to live more fully in the present moment.

I just love Subtle Body Energy work, and after I do this guided meditation I feel so open in my heart space and balanced in my first and second chakra.  For me, I feel completely grounded and centered in safety and this is such a yummy self care practice of self nourishment.  Don’t have time or the funds for a spa day?  Do this hand mudra to tap into an instant reset.  Self care practices do not need to be timely or costly to be effective.  And at the more scientific level, the benefits of this meditation reduces heart rate and blood pressure. Did you notice how the gesture lengthened the pauses between the breath which optimizes  the absorption of oxygen and nutrients which further enhances restoration.  These lengthened pauses also instill a sense of inner silence and allows us to attune to our own inherent Serenity of our truest being 

The brain and the vagus nerve connect via the auricular vagal branch, which stimulates the nerves of the ear canal and creates a “inner-atmosphere” where the nervous system interacts with outside noises in relaxing—or sometimes not-so-relaxing—ways. Research has  linked noise pollution with digestive spasms. “Simply stated, if you were to listen to a jackhammer, or something aggressive, it stimulates the vagus system. Meanwhile, calm nature sounds and relaxing music and guided meditation decreases inner-tension.”   So meditation practices where we visualize the softening in and around the ear canal are highly effective.  If you would like to explore sound healing further I unpack it all in Episode 21 - The Secrets of Sound Healing.  

Girlfriends - Today was number two in my four part guided meditation series.  If you haven't listened to Episode 22 go back now to experience the Art of Deep Relaxation.  Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and share this podcast with your girlfriends because next time  we will continue our journey by learning to Let Go and how to use meditation to develop Positive Attitudes.  

I believe that we're shards of glass broken from the same vessel. It is in looking at our own pieces of shattered glass that we seek to unify these pieces and recognize that same light in others.

I am here to support you, you know where to find me, GirlfriendsGuru.com but regardless of the actions you choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love,  It’s all that is needed. - Until next time - Love and Light - Namaste Girlfriends!!!

Click Here to Listen to This Meditation!


I am thrilled to launch The Girlfriend's Guru Blog! This will be a place where you can see transcripts and show notes from my blog - Talk. Travel. Transformation. I will also be sharing recaps of experiences from Girlfriend's Guru Retreats. I'm so happy you found my blog. Please subscribe for new updates! You may also visit my Social Media pages for free yoga and meditation videos. Namaste!
