6 minutes to Peace on Election Day!

Today is election day. You are so on my heart today. I recorded my latest podcast with your happiness in mind.   No matter what your political persuasion is, I am almost certain that today may be anxiety riddled and many of you are as overwhelmed as I am at the division within our country. No matter where you stand politically,  it's on my heart to have a conversation about the anxiety that is sitting like a big lump right in the center of our chests.   

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know that today would be a good day to connect and journey back to our most grounded selves so that we can move through this day and the rest of our lives with a greater sense of trust and security which will hopefully lead us to feelings of peace, healing and serenity.

The happiness that we all seek comes from the ability to channel all of our life experiences, our joys, our tears, our sweat and toil and our desires and inspirations towards the journey of growth. It is with this mindset that we can tap into our internal wisdom and we can discover what our life's purpose and journey is all about.

To this end, I have a short and sweet 6 minute meditation to guide you through. 

My last podcast was all about the fire element.  Today I am highlighting the element Earth.   When we think of Earth, we tap into the mother of life. And although the Earth element is essentially feminine, it is actually not overtly the Creator or the Destroyer.  So, the energy of the Earth element is always one of transition and balance.

Earth is the medium in which everything in our material world occurs; it is passive and receptive and essentially defines the space in which all matter exists.   So, as I love to point out in my yoga classes, think of life’s experiences as not good nor bad right nor wrong - life is happening for you, not to you and it is happening as the essential nature of Earth - as a stabilizing Force.  

Together - let’s think of Earth and all its qualities - solidity, firmness, immobility, security and stability; these are qualities experienced within our own physical bodies as strength with our muscular body and through the spinal column as structural support -our bones.   

The Earth element is also related to our sense of smell and is balanced when we use essential oils such as cedar and clove.  

I am sure that today is not easy and it's very tempting to let our emotions get swept up like a raging river or you might be feeling tossed around like a small boat on a tumultuous ocean.  

Or things are really heated.  I am imagining the feeling and the heat of all the arguing.  Imagining them as huge bonfire as both sides through their actions and words consume up the oxygen all around them as the fires rage.    

Bhu means Earth and bhu mudra activates the Earth element supporting within us and integrating all of Earth's essential qualities.   In this gesture, the body forms a mountain shape, which naturally cultivates a sense of grounding and stability.   

We also activate apana vayu,  which is the downward moving current of energy that directs the breath and awareness to the base of the body which helps release muscular tension and supports a healthy eliminatory system.   

This meditation also has a relaxing effect that reduces stress and blood pressure and is especially supportive in the treatment of anxiety.  

Used regularly, will enhance your sense of security and begin to feel more grounded, open and balanced the muladhara or root chakra.  Thus, giving you a sense of support and stability which will allow you to meet your survival needs with more objectivity while releasing excessive fears and anxieties.  

I am so excited to offer up this tool of transformation - Bhu Mudra as a simple 6 Minute meditation that will instill the quality of patience, security and consistency so that you can be in your complete and whole heart space and tap into the essential nature of your truest being.

Listen Below!

Breathe it all in...Love it all out!

The light in me sees and honors that light within you.   

Together, Let’s find our wings and fly! 🦋

Until next time - Love and Light - Namaste Girlfriends!!!