Strategies for Stress Reduction - The Art of Deep Relaxation
Hey Girlfriends! I'm checking in on you, how are you holding up? The feedback that I've been getting from my outdoor yoga students and sound healing sessions is that the vibe out there, we are all just a little bit overwhelmed these days. So you know me, I took some time to think about the best tools that we can use right now to explore the art of deep relaxation. What is it that I can do to help foster you along your journey to happiness?
I think we can agree that it's becoming increasingly clear that relaxation is an important foundation for health, but for many people, relaxing deeply and regularly is not easy. I am going to be honest, it's a struggle some days for me too - especially during these uncertain times. So, I've decided to start a series of short guided meditations to help support you. I think right now we just need a little support and encouragement. I got you friend!
Let's get real - the uncertainty of these times is a slippery slope. I do believe stress has become a little bit more chronic lately- what we all need is sufficient time for restoration!
So if you are having any of the early symptoms of chronic stress (which include irritability, hypertension, headache, fatigue, insomnia and digestive issues) this meditation is for you. I invite you to pay attention to what your body is telling you.
If you're having any of these symptoms I just mentioned, they are warning signs that you need to make changes in your attitude and lifestyle because ignoring stress can lead to more serious problems including chronic anxiety and depression as well as digestive circulatory and autoimmune issues.
So let’s map it out.
Over the next four posts we're going to talk about four important steps for reducing stress and re-establishing balance.
1. The Art of Deep Relaxation
2. Reducing Sensory Overload
3. Learning to Let Go
4. Developing Positive Attitudes
Today, let's explore the art of deep relaxation.
Today I'm going to give you the tool of using a hand mudra - which is simply a yogic way of saying hand gesture - that is an important support tool for restoration. Using this hand gesture directs the downward current of energy in your body which is very grounding and allows for your breathing pattern to become calm and serene, thereby facilitating the deep relaxation response. It allows the mind and emotions to settle and create space between thoughts. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it. Let’s try it out together.
Bring both of your hands out in front of you and flip the Palms upward to the sky, hold your hands below the navel- touch the tips of both the little fingers and both the tips of the ring fingers to each other. So as you gaze down - your right pinkie finger is touching the left pinkie finger and your right ring finger is touching your opposite left ring finger.
Now simply rest your hands below the navel with your forearms resting against your abdomen or you can place your hands onto your lap. Relax the shoulders back and down and notice how the spine naturally aligns.
As you gaze down at your hand you can see this hand gesture has two faces. I'm referring to the two sets of fingers that touch each other in this gesture. Symbolically we can use this hand gesture when referring to her own “two faces" - our limited personality and our limitless true being.
In order to tap into relaxing deep and completely let’s take this opportunity to commit to the process of release. If you are new to meditation, this is a perfect beginning. Even if it’s just for a moment. Let’s set aside our concerns and our worries. I know this can be so challenging. It is human nature that our minds are constantly scanning our environment for either threats or opportunities. By using guided meditation together let’s take a moment to step back from this fight or flight mode and take the next few moments to cultivate deep relaxation.
As you hold your hand gesture, take several breaths to attune to all the feelings and sensations invoked by this gesture. Notice how your breath is gently directed into your pelvis and lower abdominal region.
You are becoming soft and serene - allow yourself to relax completely, and as you relax even more deeply, visualize yourself lying near a tranquil sea with gentle waves flowing softly. They are creating a soothing sound which reflects your rhythmic breathing.
Now, let’s guide these gentle waves of relaxation and feel the ease wash over each individual area of the body, beginning with our lower extremities. With your next inhale, send soft waves of relaxation and ease down to your feet and legs. As you exhale allow all the tension from these areas to be naturally released.
Take several breaths to experience the complete comfort of the soft tranquility of bathing your lower extremities with relaxation.
With the next inhalation, soft waves of relaxation fill your pelvis, your abdomen, your lower and mid back and as you exhale all the tension is released down out and through the soles of your feet.
Take several breaths to really rest, and sense the growing relaxation and ease that encompasses your entire lower body.
Waves of relaxation continue to flow gently upward, arriving in your chest and upper body. On the inhale and then as you exhale, a current of release carries all the tension down and out of your body washing it all away down and out.
Take several breaths to sense the comfort of your soft, tranquil sea.
Visualize bathing your body from your chest down to the soles of your feet with a deep inhalation and deep exhalation.
On the next inhale feel the flow run up your fingers and hands all the way to your shoulders. As you exhale, sense all tension being released from your upper extremities.
For the next few cycles of breath, sense the area from your shoulders all the way down to your feet completely bathed in the sea of tranquility.
Now as you rest in the comfort of tranquility, begin to sense your neck, your head and your entire face relaxing naturally. Allow your forehead, your eyes, your jaw, your mouth to become completely calm and serene with your entire body relaxed.
Here at ease, take all the time you need to allow your mind to rest completely within your soft warm sea of tranquility.
In this seat of complete relaxation - mentally say to yourself silently:
"Bathed in gentle waves of comfort and ease, my entire being relaxes completely."
Let’s do it two more times:
"Bathed in gentle waves of comfort and ease, my entire being relaxes completely."
"Bathed in gentle waves of comfort and ease, my entire being relaxes completely."
We are complete.
When you’re ready, slowly release the hand mudra. Take a few deep breaths, and when you’re ready, flutter open your eyes.
As we slowly return, let's gently bring in this greater sense of tranquility into all the activities for the rest of your day. Beautiful.
If we practice bringing in this unifying relaxation technique on a regular basis we can gradually release our need to be on constant vigilance and allow for a little bit of rest and relaxation into our daily lives - thus becoming attuned to our essential being that is so inherently at ease. Think of experiencing deep relaxation as a homecoming.
I do hope this wave of relaxation guided meditation brought you a sense of peace today. Did you notice how this simple hand gesture also lengthens the exhalation?
I hope you can incorporate this is a tool as a simple way that we all further deepen our level of relaxation and help to reduce stress. This technique does have an important impact on long term health, because if through breath work, we can create a massaging effect in the lower abdomen, it can really help lower blood pressure and enhance circulation in your urinary, your reproductive and eliminatory systems, thereby supporting their optimal functioning.
I myself have begun using this deeply relaxing hand mudra to support me at times when I have feelings of anxiety or stress. And the beauty of it is that by simply connecting my pinkie and ring fingers together it can be done at any time.
I found it extremely helpful the other day asking the kids to do their chores - it was like talking to a brick wall. Deep breath in. Deep Breath out. I have been using this one more and more lately! No one even has to know you are doing it! But the mere act of connecting my pinkie and ring fingers gives me a consciousness to STOP - Stop, Take a breath, Observe, and then Proceed. The STOP technique is extremely helpful with teenagers. Another time I use it and which I find extremely helpful for is when I have insomnia. I encourage you to give it a try and to continue to incorporate this hand mudra and meditation into your wellness practices.
Girlfriends - I hope today's guided meditation calms your mind and instilled a sense of inner peace - that you were able to relax just a little bit more completely and get a glimpse of the inherent serenity that is your truest nature
With a sense of deep relaxation, inner silence, peace and well-being may you go throughout the rest of your day with a spirit of complete serenity
Namaste Girlfriends!!!!