Girlfriend's Guru

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New Moon Astrology with Joshua Robbins

Kelly: [00:00:00] Good morning. Good evening. Wherever you are in your day. Welcome to the Girlfriend's Guru, personal growth, happiness and well being podcast, Talk. Travel. Transformation. Guest Joshua Robbins is joining me today for a very fun podcast on astrology. I'm bringing in the energy of the moon and the stars to the Girlfriend's Guru podcast today. Joshua is with Astral Above and is one of the most insightful souls I have run across lately. Together, we will lay out exactly what New Moon energy is all about, give you more meaning to the energies behind each astrological sign and then give you a peek into the future of summer and what it's going to look like.

So if you've never used New Moon energy as a source for healing, you're in for a treat. Joshua, thank you so much for joining me.

Joshua: [00:01:02] No, thank you for having me. I'm super, super excited to be here and to connect with your audience. Hi everybody. yeah, we got a, we got a fun topic to talk about today. 

Kelly: [00:01:12] We certainly do.

So let's start with new moon energy. So in my yoga teachings, I am all about the moon path. So the wisdom that I've learned is that every lunar month is divided into periods each with its own particular energy. So for the beginners, the new moon is the first day of the lunar month. And it's particularly positive as a source of planting seed energy for the entire month.

Joshua, I'm going to rely on you today to be the expert, to unpack and demystify each of the new moon energies of the astrological calendar, because I really want my girlfriends to understand the energy of each new moon and that they can take these energies and turn them into very conscious actions. So before Josh jumps in, let's just take you through.

We plant the seed at the new moon as the moon is in its growing phase. The energy is generally positive and therefore it's a good time to transform. And you know, me, I'm all about transformation. And then at the full moon, we're at peak manifestation for the month and then the moon wanes and recedes, and it's a time and a period of letting go and detachment. So Joshua how's that sound? Am I on the right track?

Joshua: [00:02:29] I like it. Yeah. I like it a lot - you're hired! [Laughter] You're hired, that's it - you want to come work for me? No, I'm kidding. Yeah. I mean, that's basically how it works in a nutshell. And, you know, just to kind of take it a tad bit deeper, you know, I am not a conventional astrologer. I am a Kabbalistic astrologer, which means that I incorporate many, many teachings of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah into every aspect of how I understand astrology and how I practice astrology. And one of the key tenants of Kabbalah, which is an ancient, spiritual wisdom that gives us tools to make a real transformation in our life, is that Kabbalah teaches that consciousness creates reality, meaning that wherever your mind is that's what's going to grow and that's what's going to manifest in front of you. So if your consciousness is in a place of - we'll call it light. So in a space where you were sharing, you were giving, you were creating. That will eventually overtime reflect back to you in your world. If your consciousness is in a place of taking, receiving, focused only on me, then, that will also be reflected back, but in the form of challenges, chaos, difficulties. So the idea is, we want to make sure that we are constantly in a spiritual space where we are pushing ourselves to be more light-like to be more like a creator, to be proactive, to take actions that take us out of what we would call in Kabbalah a reactive system - the part of us that tells us to only think about us. And the reason why his is so important is because the consciousness that you have when you are beginning something, or when you are at the beginning of something, is what creates or, or injects, or even, genetically modifies the DNA of whatever is going to grow from that seed, the fruit of that seed.

So, like you said, the new moon, it's like planting the seed that day of the new moon is the same level of the entire 30 day or 27, 28 day lunar cycle. That's to come. So if on that first day of the lunar month, your consciousness and your thoughts and your actions are aligned with the light, then that is going to support you and grow into the fruit that will come in the full moon at the middle of the month. And so the power of understanding, not just, you know, what happens on the first day of the month is what, you know, I will see in the month, but it's also, how am I connecting proactively, how am I taking a creator stance, a light like stance to inject, to proactively inject that type of energy into my month?

So for example, let's say you're on the first day of any given new moon, right? And you've made, you've decided, okay, today I'm going to be creative. I'm going to be, I'm going to, you know, start something new. I'm going to be proactive. I'm going to be kind; I'm going to be sharing and boom! Something is going to come up and it's going to, let's say trigger your anger. Right? Let's say trigger your fear, trigger your worry, and trigger your judgment. What you need to be aware of is that the universe is, there's two energies that are always present in the universe, the energy of the light and the energy that wants to challenge us, to give us the opportunity to overcome it so that we can reveal that light.

So you're going to have a challenge and it invariably happens on those new moons because we need to take a step to overcome that reactive aspect of ourselves to overcome the anger, to overcome the frustration, to overcome the fear. And so we need to be aware that on the new moons that the reactive system is going to be, on high alert,  it's going to be supercharged.

Kelly: [00:06:44] Yep. Absolutely. And especially once you're aware of it, that happens, right?

Joshua: [00:06:52] Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, you're going to make the decision "Okay, on the new moon, I'm going to be extra kind" and then there's going to be some obstacle that's going to occur that's going to give you an excuse, not to be kind. You need to be kind anyway. Because if you can overcome that challenge, what you do is you reveal positive energy. You, you, create vibrations throughout the universe that will then reverberate through the cosmos and eventually reflect back to you throughout the next 30 day cycle.

And so, not only are you, you know, you're going to be challenged, but if you overcome that challenge on the new moon, then it's going to be a huge payoff. You're going to be supported.

Kelly: [00:07:38] Absolutely. And I can tell you that when I started using this wisdom, my month's had so much more consciousness injected in it and Girlfriends, this is not just about a one day thing. It's not just new moon plant the seed one and done you do continue it through the whole month. And before we go even further, I want to add a tool that, I use. With new moon and that planting energy, it is potent. It is important. But another tool that I use, that's almost just important to me is the reflection at the end of the month.

And I think that, as that calendar closes. I feel it's just as important to review the entire previous 30 days so we can reestablish our goals. We need to assess our shortcomings. We need to prepare for the next new moon ahead because each new lunar month is an opportunity to start again.

And each new moon is a renewal and a restart of our spiritual path. So I like to think of these new moons as like little stepping stones on our journey, you know, to spirituality, so to speak. Right?

Joshua: [00:08:49] 100% Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, you know, I love that idea of, you know, there's always a new beginning, always, always a new beginning and you can even take it down to the day.

You know, the Kabbalists teach that at every sunrise, the world is renewed. And so even, even on a daily basis, you can even do the daily cycle, you know, but I just think that's so powerful and beautiful. The idea that, you know, it's never really over, of course, until, you know, we leave the world, but then even again, if we believe in reincarnation, we start over again in the new body.

Kelly: [00:09:21] I tell you that I've had to do that a few times during COVID, right? It's just like tomorrow is going to be a new day. Tomorrow is going to be a new day, but let's, don't get sidetracked on COVID...

In a previous podcast Becoming Unlimited with David Bosscher, who, which is by the way, girlfriends, this is how, Joshua and I met is through David. We talked about the concept of, Tikkun, which is another word for correction and, listeners, if you're not familiar with the word Tikkun, it's a Kabbalistic concept that reveals that the kind of choices we make in our past lives determines the karma that we carry and maybe even more important, which choices we should make this time around.

So I think Tikkun and all of this is kind of a big concept. So, if you need to go back to the Becoming Unlimited podcast for more information on Tikkun, but Joshua, am I correct in saying that we're born into the astrological sign that will help us most achieve our Tikkun, our correction?

Joshua: [00:10:20] Exactly, exactly. I mean, it's not just the individual sun sign, you know, when we say "my sign" we're talking about where the sun was. So for example, you know, I'm a Libra. That means the sun was in Libra when I was born. Right? And so that means a big chunk of who I am and my work, and what I meant to do in this world is related to the Tikkun of Libra, but then you also have all the other planets in the, in the, in the birth chart.

You know, when we look at a person's astrological chart, we're looking at all the planets, then they all mean different things and they represent different challenges and different gifts and different opportunities. So, you know, there's, there's a whole sea, a whole sea and an ocean of wisdom that can be understood when you look at and you go just even a little bit deeper into understanding your astrological chart, but in terms of Tikkun, basically the, the, the vast majority of our Tikkun does come from, from a Kabbalistic perspective, the Kabbalistic month that we were born in - and sometimes the Kabbalistic month that we were born in, it's the same as our sun sign. And sometimes it's not.

Kelly: [00:11:29] You'll have to do a personal one on one with Josh to figure out exactly...  If you're thinking about the calendar, right? And so Girlfriends I'm pointing out that this is more than rudimentary astrology from like seventies, astrology, pop culture, you know what I'm talking about? This, this conversation we're having today is not, "Hey baby, what's your sign?"

But seriously, if we learn more about our signs, it can help us avoid roadblocks and detours that really slow our progress towards connection to the light, because that's what the Tikkun is all about is your correction. So that way we can tune into the energy of our sign. And as we're talking about this, I don't want everybody just to kind of tune out until we get to their sign, because I think it's particularly important to know, what our partners, our husbands, wives, what other family members signs are and those friends and loved ones close to us. Because if we really know what's behind each of the signs from the people we love, then I think we can all become more what we're meant to be, and we can all connect to each other in a more deeper and truest sense. Don't you think?

Joshua: [00:12:45] A hundred percent, a hundred percent. I mean, if you understand, if you, I mean, there's, there's a few ways we can look at this the first way is to, if you can understand someone's point of view, someone's perspective, someone's universe, you can look at them with a lot more kindness, you can look at them with a lot more love and a lot more understanding and patience and mercy. The other thing is that we all, you know, the signs are always present at every given moment. And when we're born, all of the signs are in our chart. We all have the signs influencing the whole 360 degree astrological chart. And so, when we go through these 12 months and the energy of the 12 months, we're all probably going to identify with different pieces in different parts of our lives. But like we said, the biggest chunk is going to be, that, that Kabbalistic month, that lunar month that we were born in.

And that's what we're going to focus on when we talk about the new moons, those are the Kabbalistic months that, and the energies that are present, that we have the opportunity to take control over. And that's the whole idea, Kabbalistically is when you inject that light like consciousness into the new moon, you're basically taking control over the entire energy of the month.

You are putting yourself back into the driver's seat. So pay attention, pay attention to every single month because you're going to go through each month, every year. And so you want to know what is the, at least the core, the basic idea of what you need to do for every month that's to come.

Kelly: [00:14:30] I think that's wonderful. So let's get to cracking the code of, of each month and each new moon energy, because I know for me personally, I have greater harmony and fulfillment having, tuned into this wisdom. So take it away. Joshua let's start with Aries. I am an Aires sign. So Aires always like to go first, so, start with me.

Joshua: [00:14:55] They go first because they are first, the first sign. So just a little interesting tidbit - You know, most of us probably were familiar with the four elements. Kabbalistically, every sign has an element. It has an external element, but it also has an internal element.

You won't hear this from any other type of astrology, other than Kabbalistic astrology. When it comes to the internal elements. So it's just a little interesting tidbit to keep in mind as we go through, because you might say, "What? I've never heard of that before." This is why, because it's a unique form of astrology.

So Aries is a fire sign externally, but internally it's water and the combination of fire and water can cause us to react angrily and destructively when our feelings are hurt. Aries is also a sign that has a singular focus on itself. So on the new moon of Aries, we want to resist the urge to react in anger when things don't go our way and we want to reach outside of ourselves and focus on inspiring those around us with the positive examples we set. On the new moon of Aries, essentially humility is our best friend.

So that's the core principle of Aries. We want to be focused less on what's in it for us and more focused on how can we inspire individual creative action in other people. So that's, that's the, that's the power of Aries.

Kelly: [00:16:24] I love it, that is why it's one of my core tenants you know, in the past several months and especially, the last few months, the desire to receive, not for the self alone, but for the sake of sharing.

Joshua: [00:16:37] Exactly. Exactly. It's beautiful. It's beautiful when you start to really look into, we call it the DNA of the signs, and when you can crack that code, like you said, you can really make a huge transformation.

So the next sign is Taurus and Taurus it's external element is earth, but it's internal element is fire, which can cause us to be stubborn and resistant to change. It can be so much so that when we're pushed too far, an internal volcano begins to erupt and it can cause tremendous damage. So on the new moon of Taurus, it's a day to be flexible and allow ourselves to go outside of our comfort zone.

You know, a palm tree survives a hurricane because it bends with the wind. So on the new moon of Taurus, we too must behave in the same way so that we don't break. And Taurus is known to be the most stubborn of signs. So flexibility is a key, key, aspect of taking advantage of the new moon as well as going out of the comfort zone.

Kelly: [00:17:42] My younger sister is Taurus. I'll be sure to tell her this.

Joshua: [00:17:44] That's it, that's it. Yep. And if you can look around and see, Oh, okay. That's why that person has so much challenge. You understand? It's part of their spiritual work.

Gemini, the third sign, right. Gemini is an air sign externally. And it's an air sign internally has the same energy, external and internal, which can push us to use our words and our mind because air has to do with communication and our thoughts.

But it can push us to use those in destructive ways. We can begin the gossip, we can begin to overthink, and that can distract us from keeping our feet on the ground and following through on our ideas. It will, it can leave us eventually with nothing to show for those ideas. So on the new moon of Gemini, we want to avoid speaking negatively about others. And we want to make an effort to finish what we start. You know, Gemini can often be distracted very easily. Most Geminis that I know tend to have some form of ADHD. And it's very important that on the new moon that we work to stay focused and we work to finish those things that we start.

Kelly: [00:18:51] Finish what you start.

Joshua: [00:18:53] Exactly. So the next sign we have is Cancer. So Cancer is the same element internally and externally, just like Gemini, but it's water. So it's water on the outside and water on the inside. That can make us, because water has to do with emotions, overly sensitive, and even needy. Our feelings are felt so strongly that we become ended up becoming slaves to them, and we expect others to speak and behave in a way that's sensitive to us. When, on the contrary, we should use the emotional sensitivity to understand the needs of others and seek to nurture them. You know, Cancer is considered the sign of the mother and the Cancer energy is one of nurturing, one of caring, much like a mother would her child, right?

So we want to use that energy to nurture others, to care for others, rather than being overly sensitive to ourselves.

Kelly: [00:19:51] Love it. And that's, that's the sign during this podcast, when it's released, you may be listening to the podcast at a later date. And so it's a later sign, but if you are listening to this, because you're a subscriber, this is being released during the energy of cancer. So let's work on our sensitivity Girlfriends.

Joshua: [00:20:12] So next one is Leo, one of the most demonstrative signs. That's because it's just like Gemini and Cancer has the same energy internally and externally. On the outside, Leo is fire, and on the inside, Leo is also fire and this energy gives us tremendous desire and a need for our creative energy to shine bright and be noticed. This can turn sour when we seek to share with agenda, because when we expect something in return for what we share, we give the positive energy revealed by that act of sharing over to the negative side, we end up wasting it. So on the new moon of Leo, we want to share for the sake of sharing, just because we want to be beacons of light. And then we want to let go of even the slightest need for appreciation or a thank you. And you know, that's one of Leo's greatest challenges is to let go of that need for feedback.

That need for, you know, the pat on the back, tell me that what I did and you know that what I, what I shared was worth it to you. You know, let it go. You want to share because you want to create positive energy in the world.

The next sign we have is a Virgo. So Virgo is an earth sign on the outside, and it's an air sign on the inside. And this combination of rationale, earth, practicality, and air analysis, and thought it can make us, it can make us fussy and overly critical. So it'll be easy to see what's wrong with everyone and everything in the world around you on the new moon in Virgo. So when you get to the new moon in Virgo, focus on what you need to change within yourself, but with love and acceptance, rather than judgment. Additionally, we want to make every effort to see the good in every situation and person that crosses our path on this day. The month of Virgo Kabbalistically, also as an opportunity for us to repair any sort of spiritual damage we may have done, throughout the year due to reactive behavior. So we'll have an opportunity that month to address, parts of our reactivity. And if we're able to overcome it, we can actually repair the sea level of any damage that reactivity might cause in the future. That's very powerful. 

Kelly: [00:22:33] That's powerful.

Joshua: [00:22:34] It is. So the next sign we have is Libra - my sign! We're in the middle -

Kelly: [00:22:41] Balancing the scales, right?

Joshua: [00:22:44] Exactly! So Libra is an air sign externally, but it's a water sign internally. And this combination of elements can cause us to feel pulled between our feelings and our logic. And that makes making decisions even more difficult because everything ends up appearing to have a good side and everything looks like, yeah. Okay. It has its good and its bad, everything has a good and a bad, right? But we need to be able to choose. So on the new moon of Libra, we want to discern what is right for us and what is not based on what best serves our spiritual growth.

If it pushes us to confront an uncomfortable situation, that's a good hint that we need to make a move in that direction. Decisive action taken with certainty will support us in proactive confrontations. Libra likes to avoid confrontation, so it's very important to be able to proactively address those things that have been bothering us and to make solid decisions during the month of Libra and just Kabbalistically speaking, the month of Libra is the Kabbalistic New Year. So whatever we do on the new moon of Libra will not only affect the 30 days to come for that month, but also the next 12 months to come. So we want to pay extra close attention to what we're doing on that new moon.

So the next month we have is the month of Scorpio.

Scorpio is a water sign externally and a fire sign internally, which, similar to Aries, it can bring about impassioned feelings and they can reach extreme levels of intensity because remember Aries was reversed. Aries was fire externally and water internally, whereas Scorpio is water externally and fire internally. They're both ruled by Mars. And so when we come to Scorpio, because it's flipped we can end up becoming controlling and extremely fearful because the water is dominant. It's feelings, emotion. So on the new moon of Scorpio, we want to let go of fear and drama. We want to allow the universe to show us that it has our back.

And we do that by getting out of our own way and allowing the light to flow as it needs to. And that's going to transform our fear into peace. And we act at a certainty. All the greater good that is meant for us will start to take shape and that's the power of Scorpio. You know, it's a sign of transformation. So we have a huge opportunity to transform and make a huge shift in change. It's usually a month we end up facing fears and if we face those fears, the light that's revealed by overcoming it will begin to manifest during the month of Scorpio - Scorpio is a month of manifestation. Super, super powerful.

Kelly: [00:25:46] Sounds like it. I love it. I love it. Okay. So Sagittarius, that's my Hubby's sign. So close attention here.

Joshua: [00:25:57] So Sagittarius is a fire sign externally. And an air sign internally, and this can bring enthusiasm to our ideas and words. And we can have a tendency though to speak out of turn and say things that while truthful in their essence can end up hurting others.

We can also feel a deep need to explore other horizons because we think the grass is greener on the other side. So on the new moon of  Sagittarius we want to focus on controlling our tactfulness as we speak, and we also want to practice appreciation for what we have right here right now. You know, Kabbalistically, the month of Sagittarius is also the month of miracles.

You know, Sagittarians typically will say they are lucky. In the month we can actually tap into that luck. It's not that they're lucky it's that they don't perceive limits. They don't believe in limitation. They think anything is possible. And because in their consciousness, "Anything is Possible", anything is possible and they're able to do things, and other people say, "Wow, how'd you do that?" Because they think it, they believe it. So in the months of Sagittarius, if we think and believe it will happen, it can actually happen. Super powerful, tapping the energy of miracles.

Kelly: [00:27:09] Well, my husband certainly is lucky. Some people know this. But my husband was actually on the plane that crashed in the Hudson river. So he fell 3000 feet from the sky without a scratch. So, he is one of those, lucky Sagittarius guys, I guess.

Joshua: [00:27:24] That's incredible. I did not know that. That's amazing. Yeah, exactly. There you go. It's a good thing he was on that plane!

Kelly: [00:27:31] That's right. That's right. Is he going to take away some of the glory to Sully Sullenberg. It was, it was all, it was all Charlie?

Joshua: [00:27:40] Yeah, exactly. Yeah.  It was all Charlie, forget Sully.

Kelly: [00:27:45] I love it. I love it. Okay, so now we're rounding out Capricorn in January.

Joshua: [00:27:50] Yep. Both of my parents are Capricorns, my grandfather was a Capricorn. My grandmother was a Virgo I'm surrounded by Capricorns. So for those of you, you know, think about the people in your life, right

Kelly: [00:28:01] My oldest sister is a Capricorn.

Joshua: [00:28:04] There you go. So Capricorn is an earth sign externally, and it's a water sign internally, but the water is typically frozen by the earth and it has a problem expressing its energy.

It has to do with emotion and feeling. So it can make us emotionally cold with others and place all of our focus on personal goals and achievement at any cost, even, even at the cost of our relationships with others. So, on the new moon of Capricorn, we want to make an effort to be warmer and more caring for the people around us.

And we want to prioritize an open heart as a top goal that we want to achieve. And if we do that, There's kind of a carry over Kabbalistically of this energy of miracles tha runs through Sagittarius into Capricorn. And on the new moon of Capricorn, we can also tap into and overcome the idea of limitation.

We can break through limitation in the month of Capricorn - Super, super powerful, and that limitation, once it's broken, can begin to manifest as the achievement of our goals, It's amazing. Super powerful.

Kelly: [00:29:10] Okay. So that means my sister has to keep doing all my heart opener meditation and yoga videos on my YouTube channel, right? All the Capricorns out there, go to my YouTube channel. Start doing the heart openers.

Joshua: [00:29:24] Exactly. I love it. Now the next line is Aquarius and Aquarius is an air sign externally, but a fire sign internally, which brings passion for new ideas and out of the box thinking, but this out of the box thinking can oftentimes make us feel like outsiders who don't belong.

And as a result, it can make us close hearted and indifferent to the feelings of those closest to us. So on the new moon of Aquarius, We want to make an effort to feel what others are feeling and to emotionally support them in whatever way they need. Aquarians very often have the humanitarian streak, they want to save the world. And they're great in groups. And they're great at humanitarian causes and making change in the world and breaking through limitation and things like that. But where they have the greatest struggle is on the one on one. On the vulnerability, on being close to other people. So on the day of Aquarius, we can actually, and it's similar to Capricorn and in many ways, cause they're both ruled by Saturn, Kabbalistically and they can also work to break through not necessarily physical limitation, but emotional limitations.

So more and more heart openers for you too, Aquarius.

Kelly: [00:30:39] That's right. That's right. Okay. I love it. I think every sign could benefit from the Girlfriend's Guru YouTube channel, right?

Joshua: [00:30:48] Yeah, for sure. I mean, who doesn't need an open heart? You know, I mean that's without a doubt!

Now we're getting to the last sign...

Kelly: [00:30:57] Last but not least is Pisces, right?

Joshua: [00:30:59] Exactly. Our humble Pisces. I love Pisces. It's one of my favorites. I love all the signs, but you know, some of my closest friends are Pisces. Pisces is a water sign externally and an air sign internally, which gives us the ability to tap into our imagination and spiritual consciousness.

We have the challenge though, of wanting to escape into our fantasies rather than dealing with the practical needs of our daily lives. So on the new moon of Pisces, we want to make a greater effort to be present and proactive in keeping to our commitments and scheduling. By grounding ourselves. Well, it will help us not to float off into delusions and fantasies.

And, you know, Pisces is the sign of transcendence, the sign of spirituality and Pisces often have an issue of dealing with reality. So if we're able to actually confront reality and inject spiritual consciousness, into the physical world, we can actually elevate the physical world into a spiritual consciousness and Kabbalistically the month of Pisces connects to happiness.

And when we unite the spiritual and the physical worlds together, we actually generate that light of fulfillment, which leads to happiness. 

Kelly: [00:32:16] That's why I'm happy whenever I'm around my Pisces friends. So now, now you've, you've demystified it for me. I love that you brought the elements into this conversation because in my yoga classes, I do have very element- centric classes. I always love to bring the elements of earth, water, fire, and air. I love to do book reviews and book shout outs.  So, if you're interested in learning more about earth, water, fire, energy, there's a book that I love. It's a little gem that I refer to a ton when I'm preparing for yoga classes. It's called "Wood Becomes Water" and it's Chinese medicine in everyday life. So it's a neat little book, it's been around for a long time. So that's, that's my, book suggestion. but let's, let's get back to, Astrology.

So what you're saying is that if we make these necessary corrections, we use these energies you just talked about then, we're basically elevating our path and correcting our Tikkun, and we're basically elevating ourselves towards spiritual success, correct?

Joshua: [00:33:24] Yeah, exactly. You know, and the Kabbalists kind of describe it, like, like a, like a... almost like a windmill.

And at the bottom of each windmill is a bucket and every day that cycle. You fill that bucket with something. You're either going to fill it with light or you're going to fill it with chaos. You fill it with light by acting like the light by being timed, by being proactive, by challenging yourself to overcome your reactive nature, you fill it with chaos by simply giving into your reactive nature to behaving selfishly and angrily, and falling.

And eventually what happens is the windmill spins and once the bucket gets up above you, the bucket empties out, down on top of you, right on top of you. So, you know, we want to think about these new moons as buckets - and even every day, every moment as a bucket. And this is actually, Rav Ashlag, one of the greatest Kabbalists of the 20th century, he taught this - if you think of every moment and every day as you're filling up a bucket that will eventually rise up above you and empty on top of you, what do you want to receive? Do you want to receive light and elevation and joy?

Kelly: [00:34:36] Of course!  More light, right? Nobody wants chaos!

Joshua: [00:34:40] Nope, but you'd be surprised at how strong the universe will challenge us and how easy it is to fall into reactive behavior. So you have to be conscious. And when you, when you inject the light into the new moon that light follows you and that light supports you so that throughout every day of that month, that light is with you and it gives you a boost.

So then in the moments, when you might be tempted to fill your bucket with anger, what do you fill it with?   Patience.  Forgiveness.

Kelly: [00:35:15] Perfect. And you make it sound so simple, but I want to tell everyone, you know, learning about the stars and the planets for me has been yet another tool to help me attain the ultimate goal for me is to become more like the light that made us. And, you know, I recorded this podcast in summer because there's nothing like looking up at the constellations in the summer night sky to inspire an astrology talk.

So Joshua, can you give us a peek into what the future of the rest of the summer is going to look like? Can you give us a general future forecast button? You know, because I don't know about you, but so many people are like, can we just fast forward through 2020?  This is coming out, you know, in the middle of the summer, so what's the rest of the summer going to look like? What's going on in those stars above?

Joshua: [00:36:07] Well, 2020 is a very powerful year. 2020 astrologically is, one of the most pivotal years that humanity has gone through. There are multiple cycles that are changing. There was the Saturn Pluto cycle. There's the changing of the nodes. There's the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. I mean, there's just, there's so much we could talk about, but essentially there were so many cycles that are changing over into new ones and it's manifesting as tremendous change here for humanity and here for the globe. And this change is going to continue happening throughout the rest of 2020. And the key for us, if we want to embrace and not fall victim to these changes, is we want to be flexible. Flexibility is the key, key word to being successful in 2020. Going with the flow, rolling with the punches, being in a spiritual consciousness and every moment and saying that this too is for the best, even if in the moment you can cannot see how in the world it could be for the best, if you shift your consciousness to say, this is for the best, and you decide that you were going to pull the good out of it, you will pull the good out of it. And that's important to know because as we get into the rest of the summer, and as we move into the fall, there are going to be more challenges.

There are going to be more challenges socially. There are going any more challenges politically. And you know, we're probably not going to see any remote resolution to COVID before the end of the year. So we want to utilize the new moons. And that's why the new moons are important in this, in this discussion so that we have support throughout the rest of the challenges and the changes that are going to be coming towards us in the next half of the year.

The new moons are  a means of support. And because if we can generate light in those new moons, that light will follow us. And we will be able to have the consciousness and the awareness to not fall and become victim to what happens, but rather to transform and rise above whatever happens,

Kelly: [00:38:43] You know, and I want to throw out, you know, everybody always wants it to be light, light, light, but remember, without the darkness, the light cannot be revealed. And as you're saying this, it reminds me, I lived in New York City, during 9/11 and I was, sitting in Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and sitting in the pews and, you know, I mean, New Yorkers, we were, we were stunned. I mean, the whole world was stunned at what had happened.

And, I remember in the sermon. He basically, Tom Toole asked us not to just think about the chaos and the darkness that this whole situation was, but that there were helpers everywhere and where the points of lights and the ways people came together.

And, like everybody has a 9/11 story. And most of those 9/11 stories, are kind of miracle stories about how people came together. And, so, you know, I've been taught that chaos can be one of the best times to clear away blockages, clear away your fears, welcome the light of the creator into your being. And I think even in uncertainty, if we can connect to the energy of receiving for the sake of helping and giving to others, then we enter into a world that is healed and renewed and full and, just like that great ball of light of a full moon, you know, like new moon energy to the full moon energy.

Joshua: [00:40:10] Right?

Exactly. Exactly. I love that. That's beautiful. You put it perfectly and it's true. It's true. We need, we must have darkness in order for us to be like the creator and reveal our light. We cannot, for example, I can't go out during a sunny day, light a match and think that the match is going to pose, you know, any kind of, you know, comparison to the sun.

But if I take that match and I go into a dark room, it illuminates the entire room. So we must have challenges. We have to have things happen that we don't want.

Kelly: [00:40:55] That's a great visual. So, so Girlfriends, I've had the pleasure of having a personal reading, with Joshua. And it was amazing to learn more about my astrological chart, and again, this is much more than just your sign. Joshua can help you answer that one question that a lot of us are asking, you know, "Why am I here?"  It will help you understand your Tikkun, your correction. And he helped me understand the steps that I needed to take, to achieve the life I want to have as well as some of the lessons that I needed to learn and challenges and darkness that I need to sort of peel back so I can grow.

And it really was eye opening and, you know, all these things of, you know, facing your challenges really help you hone in on your life's purpose.

And besides an astrology reading, it’s just a whole lot of fun Girlfriends!  So I highly recommend his services. If you want more information, I want to make sure everybody knows your website.

It's and it's AstralAbove on all his social media outlets as well.

Joshua. I just want to thank you for being with us and illuminating the energy of each astrological sign, laying out new moon energy and giving us a peek at what's ahead for the rest of 2020. I know we can handle it and, I just appreciate you being here and, your being on our podcast, sparked a whole book of matches.

Joshua: [00:42:22] Well, it was my pleasure. I really enjoyed it. Thank you so, so much it's doing these types of things that allow me to share my light with you guys. And, you know, I just appreciate you and the work that you're doing, and I'm sure both of us are revealing a tremendous amount of light, even right now in this moment.

Kelly: [00:42:42] Absolutely. So Girlfriends, I hope this podcast helped you to expand your own vessel and generate some spiritual light for you both personally, and for all of those, with whom we share this planet, I believe that we're shards of glass from the same vessel. It is in looking at our own pieces of shattered glass that we seek to unify these pieces and recognize that same light in others.

May we all continue to seek ways that unite instead of divide us. Until next time Namaste Girlfriends!