Fall Energy Retreat - The Art of Deep Relaxation - September 27-29th, 2024

Fall Energy Retreat - The Art of Deep Relaxation - September 27-29th, 2024


Breathe in Wellness Exhale a More Balanced Life

Are you ready to take the path less taken? My Fall Energy Retreat is much more than a yoga retreat. Think of it as an experience. An experience to recalibrate. You will be guided through the Art of Deep Relaxation where you will process at a physical and emotional level in yoga postures, breath work, intention setting, lecture and journaling prompts. All this is designed to Reduce Sensory Overload, Learn to Let Go of What No Longer Is Serving You and Developing Positive Attitudes.

By learning to live within the cycles of the seasons. We use fall energy to surrender, let go, and explore opening to a widened lens and a bit more relaxed way of seeing. An eagle's view if you will! Take a journey back to self so that you can evaluate your needs a little bit more objectively and tap into the process of simplifying.

I would love nothing more than for you to join me in exploring the conversations of the heart and the great outdoors. By letting go of who we are… we become what we might be. The weekend includes:

  • Waterfall Hike

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Yoga Yin Session

  • Deep Stretch Yoga Session

  • 5 Guided Meditations

  • Sound Healing

  • Journaling Activities

I have space for 8 guests to stay at my home in the High Country Overlook Area of Eagles Nest. After my mountain home is full, participants can rent from one of the many rental options through blue ridge mountain rentals.

Cost for this weekend experience is $586 (a la cart/without lodging) and

$886 (includes lodging at my mountain home in Eagles Nest)

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